Corruption raises the cost of business, undermines public trust and hampers growth. It disproportionately affects the poor and vulnerable by diverting resources from essential public services such as health care, education, transportation and water sanitation. Efforts to implement anti-bribery systems will benefit a company.
Bribery is one of the world’s most destructive and challenging issues. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
there are over US$ 1 trillion paid in bribes each year. The consequences are catastrophic, reducing quality of life, increasing poverty and eroding public trust.
Yet despite efforts on national and international levels to tackle bribery, it remains a significant issue. Recognizing this, ISO developed a new standard to help organizations fight bribery and promote an ethical business culture. It is designed to help an organization implement an anti-bribery management system, or enhance any existing controls. It helps to reduce the risk of bribery occurring and can demonstrate to stakeholders that an organisation has put in place internationally recognized good-practice anti-bribery controls.
ISO 37001 can be used by any organization, large or small, whether it be in the public, private or voluntary sector, and in any country. It is a flexible tool, which can be adapted according to the size and nature of the organization and the bribery risk it faces.
What is an anti-bribery management system?
An anti-bribery management system is designed to instil an anti-bribery culture within an organization and implement appropriate controls, which will in turn increase the chance of detecting bribery and reduce its incidence in the first place. ISO 37001, Anti-bribery management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, gives the requirements and guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an anti-bribery management system. The system can be independent of, or integrated into, an overall management system.
It covers bribery in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors, including brib- ery by and against an organization or its staff, and bribes paid or received through or by a third party. The bribery can take place anywhere, be of any value and can involve financial or non-financial advan- tages or benefits.
What benefits will it bring to my business or organization?
ISO 37001 is designed to help your organization implement an anti-bribery management system or enhance the controls you currently have. It requires implementing a series of measures such as adopting an anti-bribery policy, appointing someone to oversee compliance with that policy, vetting and training employees, undertaking risk assessments on projects and business associates, implementing financial and commercial con- trols, and instituting reporting and investigation procedures.
Implementing an anti-bribery management system requires leadership and input from top management, and the policy and programme must be communicated to all staff and external parties such as contractors, suppliers and joint- venture partners.
In this way, it helps to reduce the risk of bribery occurring and can demonstrate to your manage- ment, employees, owners, funders, customers and other business associates that you have put in place internationally recognized good-practice anti-bribery controls. It can also provide evidence in the event of a criminal investigation that you have taken reasonable steps to prevent bribery.
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This entirely depends on how much you are willing to work on it. There is a possibility of complete eradication of corruption in an organization.
Great Blog! The thought of integrating the anti-bribery management system with the existing system of the organization is a standout for me. Indeed, we require a proper set of guidelines to keep in check the under the table transactions. However, ensuring that the implementation is done might be a slightly costly affair. It could mean extra cost for the business, nevertheless, a unique suggestion.
In which areas of the economy is bribery preferred in Indonesia? In Germany, for example, the car industry has a very large lobby in politics. I don’t think bribes are paid directly, but since the same politicians are represented on the board of directors and in politics, they practically rake in the money for themselves.
This is a nice write-up I must say.
In my opinion, the damage inflicted by corruption, worldwide, is immense. In the corporate world, the compliance buzzword has been crafted and together with governance indicates that ISO is attempting to be proactive in preventing illicit acts.
But, just like in the case of quality management, a department does not ensure the system is embraced organization-wide.
But, I think if ISO is to make a real impact onto the business world, I don’t believe the current accreditation chain is the most adequate channel for that.
Who knows? We might soon see the height of irony when pseudo-accredited and non-accredited ISO 37001 certificates are sold aquired earned online.
I have seen and heard how corruption brought down several companies. so a business owner who is thinking this is overemphasized should rethink